Kneedle Knight

Checkout on Steam & Epic
Built With:
Unreal Engine 5.2, C++ & Blueprints
Primary Role:
Lead & Gameplay Programmer  
Team Size:
Development Time:
4 Months
My work as Gameplay Programmer  
Environmental Hazards  

I worked on environmental hazards in the game, such as a rotating pillar that the player can interact with.

The pillar consists of three cubes that can be rotated individually.

The control of rotating the individual cubes is linked to different switches scattered around the world.

Performance & Light Optimization

As a lead programmer, I was responsible for maintaining the game's performance.

We focused on performance from early milestones, using a framerate counter that is color-coded to indicate when it dips below 60.

We used Unreal Engine's performance profiling tools, such as stat commands and Unreal Insights.

Light optimization proved to be a significant task that required careful consideration and balance to ensure the game looked evenly lit and not too bright while still performing well.

To take full advantage of Unreal Lumen systems, we made all the lights dynamic, removed the shadow-casting ability of the lights, and spaced out the lights.

Point lights were used sparingly with shadow casting disabled. Where shadows were needed, a spotlight was used to create shadows, giving a good effect of torches being lit from behind.

As a result of our optimization efforts, the game performed well enough to work on the Steam Deck. We also created a dedicated Steam Deck graphics settings profile for the game.

Accessibility Settings & Localization

To ensure the game is accessible to a larger audience, we added accessibility settings such as 'Ring Reticle', 'Vignette Effect', and 'Enlarged UI'.

I helped create the accessibility settings feature.

I was also responsible for localizing the game in Hindi, expanding our market reach.

My work as Lead Programmer

As a lead programmer, I managed the programmers on my team and handled cross-discipline communication, ensuring that the level designers' requirements were met. I was also responsible for project and milestone planning.

The tools used by the teams were Jira and Miro.

I also helped negotiate requirements with stakeholders.

What Went Well
Learning Opportunities

- Game Optimization for PC & Steam Deck

- Restricting Scope, prototyping and playtesting is the key to polish of the game

- Data Driven Programming approach helped tackle systems design for Leve Designer

- Simple Enemy AI & Environmental Hazards increased player experience

- Lumen for Dynamic Lighting optimization

- Gave me an experience from the holistic view of the game development process of how Agile

- Milestone based approached is used to take a project from ideation phase to completion

- Unreal Common UI has focus issue with Keyboard & Mouse (try avoid using it)

Knights of Huzza Studio