Personal Work

Built from scratch | Personal custom C++ engine
  • C++
  • Linear Interpolation (LERP) blending
  • Animation crossfading
  • Root motion data manipulation
  • Raycast based obstacle detection
  • Character controller (movement & animation)
  • FBX data parsing
  • Mesh skinning & texturing
  • C++
  • Visual test demonstrating step by step expansion of pathfinding algorithms
  • Algorithms demonstrated: A*, Dijkstra's, Influence maps, Flow fields, BFS, DFS
  • C++
  • Helped me get an intuition on quaternions
  • Axis-angle representation
  • NLERP & SLERP comparison

Published Games

Unreal Engine 5.2 | Blueprints | C++
  • Role: Lead programmer
  • Team size: 21 developers, 7 programmers
  • Genre: 3D Third-person puzzle platformer
  • Platform: Windows PC, Steam Deck optimized
  • Links: Steam, EGS
  • Engine: Unreal Engine 5.2
  • Role: AI & Gameplay programmer
  • Team size: 48 developers, 14 programmers
  • Genre: 3D arcade racer
  • Platform: Windows PC
  • Links: Steam
  • Engine: Unreal Engine 5.2

Video Game Developer creating great experiences

Passionate and driven Game Developer. With an extensive background in C++.

I've gained valuable experience from working in teams of varied sizes, culminating in the successful shipment of two games. I am deeply fascinated by Animation Systems & AI in games.

Committed to continuous learning.


5 years (Traditional Software Dev)
2 years (Game Dev)

Current location

Dallas, Texas
(Open to relocate)

Maddie profile image